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Monday, October 15, 2012


What is AIESEC?

AIESEC is an international organization with over 80,000 members in 110 countries around the world.  There's a very large chance that your campus may have one as well.  If you do, you may have seen these enthusiastic people in their blue t-shirts all around marketing various events and activities.

First Impressions

To the outsider, it also seems like a selective club where membership is only limited to a lucky few that manage to make it through all the hurdles.  In fact, I remember remarking to a friend that it seemed eerily like the frat/sorority rush that was also happening on campus.  During my undergrad degree, I was interested, but it also seemed like way too much of a time investment just for the privilege of having someone consider your application.

Mandatory information sessions followed by a huge online application form, leading to 2-3 days of a large group interview and then followed by another group activity event...all for the privilege of joining the bottom of the totem pole.  It didn't seem worth it, so I didn't try.  Of course, I suspect that process may have helped in weeding out people that thought like me. 

Second Chances...

Fast forward a few years and I'm onto my second degree at a new university.  This campus also has an AIESEC branch and as with before, I constantly saw them around campus.  I found myself wondering what I had missed by not joining and decided to go for it.  Luckily for me, this branch had a much more stream-lined application process, which I liked.  An online application followed by a panel interview.  A week later, I got my acceptance email and details for the introduction meeting for new members.